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How to Make Canadian Coffee.

'Algonquin Coffee'. An old  traditional Canadian coffee, almost forgotten about.

It's a coffee with a blend of 2 simple fruits that were commonly used by the Algonquin tribes.

Equipment Needed:

  • Something to boil water.

  • A spoon.

  • A cup.

Canadian Coffee next to a warm fire


  • 1/2 a tea spoon of pineapple juice.

  • 1/2 a teaspoon of gooseberry juice.

  • 1 tea spoon of coffee (or a bit more if you prefer).

  • 1/2 a tea spoon of vermouth (Canadian).

To Do:

  1. Place fruit juices, vermouth and coffee into cup.

  2. Slowly pour freshly boiled water and stir well.

All Done.

Yup, it really is that easy to make.

Get a LOT more enjoyment, choice and pleasure from your own coffee.

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52 Coffees.

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See the main menu page for more details.


Also ...

We love drinking our coffee, but did you know about all the other amazing things you can make at home using your own coffee & some simple ingredients?


Click on the Main Menu button just above to see the full range of things available to you.

Also Also ...

We may not always realise it, but coffee (caffeine) can have quite an effect on our bodies. Down below (and the Main Menu page) are a few important articles  which help us understand what these affects actually are.

  • Facts taken from official and trusted sources.

  • Clear, simple and straight to the point. (And helpful).


Get a LOT more enjoyment, choice and pleasure from your own coffee.

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